Utilizing marketing surveys can be highly beneficial for any brand when used in the right way. Aside from gauging the current state of the customer experience, marketing surveys can also show how consumers perceive your brand and even provide insights that help competitor analysis efforts and numerous improvements that lead to long-term success. Before doing so, keep these best practices in mind to ensure a high response and detailed insights.
- Reduce consumer friction
- Ask the right questions
- Leave space for comments
- Conduct analysis
Marketing Surveys Tip 1: Reduce Consumer Friction
The key to increasing marketing survey participation is by making it easy for customers to access and use. If you’re sending them a link to a landing page for the survey, keep the link short. On the page itself, you can further reduce customer hurdles by removing requirements like setting up an account, or providing full contact information again. Each of these variables only further complicates the process and will dissuade the customer from providing their feedback.
Marketing Surveys Tip 2: Ask the Right Questions
Even if you reduce the digital friction points to the survey, it’s important to include questions that are not just relatable to the customer’s actual experience but also to get valuable insights on ongoing strategies.
For instance, you can ask about how they felt about the general atmosphere of your store with a follow-up on specific interactions with your staff. If you’re trying out a new product or strategy, gauge the consumer’s reaction to seeing it or if they even noticed it at all. With enough respondents, you can get a clear picture of the current state of the customer experience and what needs to change.
Marketing Surveys Tip 3: Leave Space for Comments
Even though you want to get data from each survey question, it’s also important to leave some space at the end for written feedback. Some consumers might skip it entirely for a variety of reasons, but others will use the opportunity to add comments that provide further context to their answers.
Just even putting space for comments at the end of the survey does two things: it gives people the chance to write their comments and it shows that you are willing to hear them out. In a way, it’s a trust signal to customers that you are willing to hear any and all feedback whether it’s on a scale of 1 to 10 or in a few sentences.
Marketing Surveys Tip 4: Conduct Analysis
With plenty of surveys submitted in each campaign, it’s important for your teams to accurately analyze each answer. Having a process to gather all of your customer responses in one place can make this process easier and provides a clear picture of the customer experience.
Your team can easily achieve this goal with reputation management software. For instance, after creating a survey campaign that uses NPS scores, you can see a detailed breakdown of each survey in addition to the overall campaign rank ranging from “Needs Improvement” to “World Class.” A similar report is also available if you implement star ratings or multiple choice options. You can dig deeper into specific campaigns by filtering responses based on location, dates, or specified groups. In short, investing in reputation management software is not just a way to save time; it can also make order out of a sea of survey responses and give your team an accurate picture of customer sentiment.
When combined with online reviews, marketing surveys can provide a full picture of your brand reputation. Both assets provide actionable insights that any team can use to not only improve the customer experience, but also stay ahead of local competitors.
Using tools like ReviewTrackers’ Ask Tool can easily help you create effective marketing surveys, specifically with the microsurveys feature. With it, you can create up to 5 custom questions that a customer can answer after submitting a rating or Net Promoter Score. With enough feedback, you can get more details about the experience that leads to powerful insight-based strategies.
By using this power reputation management software, you can make the feedback process easier to use across different teams, which leads to success down the road.